Bulk δ18O and δ13C values from the Il-Blata section, Malta Island (S4)
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Stable isotopes of Siphonodosaria lepidula of ODP Site 202-1242
This data contains oxygen and carbon isotope measurments on the benthic foraminiferal species Siphonodosaria lepidula of ODP Site 202-1242. Isotopic measurements were carried... -
Oxygen and carbon isotopes of benthic foraminifera Cibicidoides spp. of ODP S...
This data includes the oxygen and carbon isotopic measurements carried out in Cibicidoides mundulus and Cibicidoides wuellerstofi from the >300 µm size fraction of ODP Site... -
Oxygen and carbon isotopes of benthic foraminifera Melonis barleeanus of ODP ...
This data includes the oxygen and carbon isotopic measurements carried out in Melonis barleeanus from the 250-350 µm of ODP Site 202-1242. The isotope composition of the... -
Carbon isotopes from benthic foraminifera Uvigerina auberiana of ODP Site 202...
This dataset includes the carbon isotope record obtained from the benthic foraminiferal species Uvigerina auberiana from the 250-350 µm fraction of ODP Site 202-1242.The isotope... -
Oxygen isotopes of benthic foraminifera of ODP Site 202-1242
This dataset includes the oxygen isotope record obtained from the benthic foraminiferal species Uvigerina auberiana from the 250-350 µm fraction in ODP core site 202-1242. -
Age model from δ18O of Cassidulina laevigata of sediments from borehole Hank,...
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Stable isotopes of Cassidulina laevigata and sea surface temperature reconstr...
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Dissolved oxygen concentrations and stable oxygen isotope data from the water...
This document contains dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and stable oxygen isotope data from the water column of a temperate drinking water basin in the Harz Mountains... -
Content and carbon and oxygen isotope composition of total carbon, total non-...
The carbon geochemistry of serpentinized peridotites, and mafic rocks recovered during ICDP Expedition 5057, Oman Drilling Project Phase II (November 2017 to February 2018) on... -
Porewater 13C-isotopic data of dissolved inorganic carbon in sediment core LZ...
/0: outliers removed#0: below detectionempty cells: not determined -
Porewater 13C-isotopic data of dissolved inorganic carbon in sediment core LZ...
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Porewater 13C-isotopic data of dissolved inorganic carbon in sediment core LZ...
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Porewater 13C-isotopic data of dissolved inorganic carbon in sediment core LZ...
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Porewater 13C-isotopic data of dissolved inorganic carbon in sediment core LZ...
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Porewater 13C-isotopic data of dissolved inorganic carbon in sediment core LZ...
/0: outliers removed#0: below detectionempty cells: not determined -
Porewater 13C-isotopic data of dissolved inorganic carbon in sediment core LL...
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Porewater 13C-isotopic data of dissolved inorganic carbon in sediment core LL...
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Porewater 13C-isotopic data of dissolved inorganic carbon in sediment core LL...
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Porewater 13C-isotopic data of dissolved inorganic carbon in sediment core LG...
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