Characterisation of the habitat of the Flemish banks, the maritime country ba...
The hyperbenthic community of subtidal sandbanks is described (density, species composition) and related to abiotic variables in order to get an idea about the habitats and the... -
Environmental impact assessment of oil pollution accident in Gialova lagoon a...
Dataset results regarding various parameters (Ash-free dry weight (AFDW) biomass , Benthic microbial activity (ATP), Chlorophyll a, Conductivity, Count, Current velocity water,... -
The hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the Belgian Continental Shelf: habi...
The structural biodiversity of the hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the BCS is studied. Furthermore, ecological indicator species are determined which can be usefull... -
Trawl-survey data in the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) collected in 1972, 1975...
In November 1972, the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fisheries of Fano (LMBF, Italy) and the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOF, Croatia) organised a... -
Survey dataset on Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770) and other gobies at t...
This dataset was generated by the Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology (KULeuven) and contains data that was gathered during a survey on <i>Pomatoschistus minutus</i> at... -
Nematode biodiversity data from the North Sea Benthos Survey
All nematode data from the North Sea Benthos Survey (NSBS) were compiled in a smaller dataset. -
Oslo database (Marbef Theme 1 workshop)
Different dataset added toghether to make a common database for the workshop in Oslo and for the upcoming worskhop on Crete. -
Abundance of Echinothrix diadema and its substrate coverage in the Mombasa Ma...
Absolute abundance of <i>Echinothrix diadema</i> in the Mombasa Marine National Park and Reserve in September-October 1997, together with percentages of substrate... -
Trawl-survey data from the Pipeta programme in the Northern Adriatic Sea (Med...
The “Pipeta programme” (named after the Italian commercial trawler used; 300 HP; LOA = 26 m) was started in 1982 by the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fisheries (LMBF, Italy)... -
Gulf of Gdansk
Data on macrobenthos in the Gulf of Gdansk collected as part of the phD thesis of Janas U. -
Dispersal of pelagic organisms of the Belgian Continental Shelf
Study of the dispersion and dispersal mechanisms of pelagic key species on the Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS). The focus of the dataset is on those species that have a pelagic... -
Nematode fauna from the bottom of the Southern North Sea
These data were collected in the framework of a PhD thesis. The main aim of this study was to get a better insight in the nematode fauna living in the Southern North Sea, with... -
Amphipod distribution data from the North Atlantic and Artic waters compiled ...
This dataset contains Amphipod distribution records and is based on literature from the years 1931 to 2018. The data were collected during a variety of cruises and sampling... -
Spatial and temporal epibenthos and hyperbenthos variations at the Belgian Co...
Spatial and temporal distribution patterns of the epi- and hyperbenthic community were studied at the monitoring stations on the Belgian Continental Shelf. -
Data compilation of bio-SiO2 MAR from 21 sites
The table includes complicated bio-SiO2 MAR from 21 sites in the global ocean during the late Miocene. We also apply the same time scale to re-calculate the ages of other sites... -
Benthic foraminifera species abundance of surface sediment samples from the S...
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Bottom water nitrate concentration, bottom water temperature, bottom water pH...
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Accumulation rates of benthic foraminifera from IODP Site 363-U1488
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Relative cluster abundance of benthic foraminifera from IODP Site 363-U1488
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Benthic foraminifera counts from IODP Site 363-U1488
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