tRNAome regulating hepatitis E virus-triggered inflammasome response
These are original data, processed data and figures from a study entitled "Hepatitis E virus infection remodels the mature tRNAome in macrophages to orchestrate NLRP3... -
Biomarker Research in ADHD: the Impact of Nutrition (BRAIN) – functional MRI ...
The Biomarker Research in ADHD: the Impact of Nutrition (BRAIN) study is an open-label trial during which children with ADHD followed a 5-week few-foods diet (FFD). The ADHD... -
Morphological diversity in the foraminiferal genus Marginopora
Benthic foraminifera, and certainly symbiont-bearing (large) benthic foraminifera are generally considered to have large geographic ranges in combination with significant... -
Photographs of HMEC-1 spheroids. Part of article "Computational Screening of ...
This data set contains microscopic photographs of in vitro cultures of Human Microvascular Endothelial Cells (HMEC-1) spheroids used to test role of Apelin and its receptor in... -
Toward co-design of an AI solution for detection of diarrheal pathogens in dr...
Water images Date Submitted: 2022-06-15 -
Seasonal coronavirus infections trigger NLRP3 inflammasome activation in macr...
All original and processed data for the published study: Seasonal coronavirus infections trigger NLRP3 inflammasome activation in macrophages but is therapeutically targetable.... -
Replication Data for: Combating pan-coronavirus infection by indomethacin thr...
All original and processed data for the published study: Combating pan-coronavirus infection by indomethacin through simultaneously inhibiting viral replication and inflammatory... -
Images used for paper #sleepingbaby on Instagram: adherence to Dutch safe sle...
Images scraped from Instagram using 22 hashtags and 10 accounts of Dutch companies/platforms focused on infants. Dataset can be found in another deposit. Date Submitted:... -
Device-based measures of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit transitions of healthy...
This data folder contains all processed data and analyses scripts used for analyses in the research described in the PNAS paper "The Temporal Dynamics of Sitting Behaviour at... -
Assessing Habitat Suitability for Native and Alien Freshwater Mussels in the ...
Dataset associated with a published article titled "Assessing Habitat Suitability for Native and Alien Freshwater Mussels in the River Waal (the Netherlands), Using... -
Dispersal and interface behaviour of carabid beetles in a landscape mosaic: F...
This dataset contains the data on displacement distances of Pterostichus melanarius beetles in a mark-recapture experiment on a spatial grid of traps in a small agricultural... -
Quantitative remote sensing of vegetation properties and functioning under no...
The main idea of this research is to exploit multiple observations including time-series of optical, thermal (TIR) and soil moisture data for remote sensing of vegetation... -
Data from: A Lévy expansion strategy optimizes early dune building by beach g...
Data from: A Lévy expansion strategy optimizes early dune building by beach grasses. Nature Communications Here, we report on the discovery that heavy-tailed random walks... -
Data from: Same strategies – different categories: An explorative card-sort s...
To accelerate the protein transition it is important to understand how different consumer groups perceive and categorise plant-based proteins in comparison to animal-derived... -
De betekenis van sociale robots voor thuiswonende mensen met dementie: zin en...
Sociale robots zijn een nieuwe ontwikkeling in de zorg voor mensen met dementie. In dit project hebben we onderzoek gedaan naar de sociale robot Tessa van het Nederlandse... -
Leaf traits and infrared spectra of 20 plant species
A project that study the infrared spectra of 20 plant species (herbaceous and woody plants) and their leaf traits including microscopic measurements of the leaves, leaf water... -
Rapid stem cell spreading induced by high affinity α5β1 integrin-selective bi...
Cell-matrix interactions form a crucial parameter for the design of synthetic ECM as these dictate cell fate and cell functions. Most commonly, synthetic biomaterials are... -
Terrestrial laser scanning data and Photographs for estimating visibility in ...
A dataset collected in an European temperate forest for developing and validating an approach to estimate fine-scale visibility in forested landscape. It consists of Terrestrial... -
Key weather extremes affecting potato production in The Netherlands
This dataset contains the underlying data for the study:Van Oort, P. A. J., B. G. H. Timmermans, H. Meinke, and M. K. Van Ittersum. "Key weather extremes affecting potato... -
ChestX-ray dataset comprises 112,120 frontal-view X-ray images of 30,805 unique patients with the text-mined fourteen disease image labels (where each image can have...