Replication Data for: Polylactic acid nanoplastics (PLA-NPLs) induce adverse ...
This dataset includes the images published in the paper "Polylactic Acid Nanoplastics (PLA-NPLs) Induce Adverse Effects on an In Vitro Model of the Human Lung Epithelium: The... -
Nanomechanics of cell-derived matrices as a functional read-out in Collagen V...
This dataset includes all data reported in the manuscript entitled "Nanomechanics of cell-derived matrices as a functional read-out in Collagen VI-related Congenital Muscular... -
Análisis antracológico del yacimiento Las Camas de la Edad del Hierro y Grana...
Anthracological data from the rescue excavations at Las Camas (Villaverde,Madrid). The attached data come from the anthracological record from an Iron age site. -
Informe de l'anàlisi antracològica del Born (Barcelona). Sectors 11 L, 11O, 1...
Anthracological data from the rescue excavations at Mercat del Born (Barcelona). The attached data come from the anthracological record from a Modern Age. The updated dataset of... -
Informe de l'anàlisi antracològica de 7 carbons de la Cova de Petrolí (Cabane...
Anthracological data from the site of cova del Petroli (Cabanes, Castelló). The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses from the Late Neolithic and Bronze age site of... -
Análisis antracológico de 2 muestras de carbón de la primera edad del hierro ...
Anthracological data from the excavation at Dessobriga (Osorno, Burgos). The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses of several units from the iron age site of Dessobriga. -
Análisis Antracológico Del Yacimiento Del S. III A.C. Del Cerro De Las Cabeza...
Anthracological data from the site of El Cerro de las Cabezas (Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real). The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses from the Iron Age site of El Cerro de... -
Base de datos del análisis arqueométrico de elementos numismáticos argénteos ...
Base de datos que incluye monedas y otros objectos de plata procedentes de cuatro yacimientos de la edad del hierro del nordeste peninsular, datos entre el siglo VI i el II aC:... -
Replication Data for ReViBE: protocol for Refit Visualisation of lithic reduc...
This dataset contains the raw data generated by the technological study and registration of the photogrammetry and 3D modelling of the refit set nº 41 of the 497D level of the... -
Dataset with TEM and Confocal Microscopy Images of Polystyrene Nanoplastics (...
TEM and Confocal Microscopy Images of Polystyrene Nanoplastics (PS-NPLs) with Different Sizes and Surface Functionalizations in HUVECs Nanoplastic Types: Carboxylated PS... -
Capra pyrenaica 387
Skeleton of Capra pyrenaica 387. ObjExImg, 1.7.2 (3073) -
Replication Data for: Micro Immune Response On-chip (MIRO) models the tumour-...
Immunotherapies are beneficial for a considerable proportion of cancer patients, but ineffective in others. In vitro modelling of the complex interactions between cancer cells... -
Anàlisis antracològica del jaciment talaiotic de Biniparratx (Menorca)
Anthracological data from the excavation at Biniparratx. The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses of the assemblage fragments from the talaiotic site of Biniparratx. -
Informe de l’anàlisi antracològica dels carbons del jaciment Romà Carrer Ramo...
Anthracological data from the excavation at Carrer Ramon y Cajal (Tarragona. The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses of the assemblage from the roman site of Carrer... -
Informe de l’anàlisis de 8 carbons del jaciment ibèric de Barranc de Gàfols (...
Anthracological data from the excavation at Barranc de Gàfols. The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses of eight fragments from the protohistoric site of Barranc de... -
Dades treball de camp Cova del Tabac 2023
Aquest conjunt de dades conté les dades brutes generades al llarg dels treballs de camp desenvolupats a l’any 2023 al jaciment de Cova del Tabac. El conjunt està format per les... -
Dades treball de camp Cova Gran de Santa Linya 2023
Aquest dataset conté les dades brutes generades al llarg dels treballs de camp desenvolupats a l’any 2023 al jaciment de Cova Gran de Santa Linya. El conjunt està format per les... -
Capreolus capreolus 73
Skeleton of Capreolus capreolus 73. ObjExImg, 1.7.3 (3077) -
Gazella dama 404
Skeleton of Gazella dama 404. ObjExImg, 1.7.3 (3077) -
Estudi antracològic de La Guaya
Anthracological data from the rescue excavations at La Guaya in Berrocalejo de Aragona, Ávila, Spain. The attached data come from the anthracological record from an Iron age pit.