Dataset: Spherulitic and rotational crystal growth of Quartz thin films
To obtain crystalline thin films of alpha-Quartz represents a challenge due to the tendency for the material towards spherulitic growth. Thus, understanding the mechanisms that... -
Generalized priority-based model for smartphone screen touches
Jean-Pascal Pfister and Arko Ghosh (2020). PHYSICAL REVIEW E All of the data and anlysis is freely available via the link:... -
Phenomenological classification of metals based on resistivity
Efforts to understand metallic behavior have led to important concepts such as those of strange metals, bad metals, or Planckian metals. However, a unified description of... -
Long-range current-induced spin accumulation in chiral crystals
Chiral materials, similarly to human hands, have distinguishable right-handed and left-handed enantiomers which may behave differently in response to external stimuli. Here, we... -
Data for: proton-electron mass ratio from laser spectroscopy of HD+ at the pa...
This dataset contains: 1. An MS excel sheet containing measurement data for evaluation and analysis of Fig. 2, and theoretical values needed to replicate the scalar and tensor... -
Replication Data and Code for Differentiation of leukocytes in bronchoalveola...
Materials for reproducibility of results in article Differentiation of leukocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples using higher harmonic generation microscopy and deep... -
Research Data for Real-Time Observation of Tetrapyrrole Binding to an Enginee...
This dataset contains the data presented in the publication Real-Time Observation of Tetrapyrrole Binding to an Engineered Bacterial Phytochrome -
An Architecture for Meeting Quality-of-Service Requirements in Multi-User Qua...
Quantum Network Architecture Scheduling simulation data The .zip-files in this DataVerse contains data used in the paper: An Architecture for Meeting Quality-of-Service... -
Synaptic Behavior in Ferroelectric Epitaxial Rhombohedral Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Thin F...
In this work, the switching mechanism of the rhombohedral phase of HZO films is characterized by a two-stage process. In addition, the synaptic behaviour of this phase is... -
[CoNEXT 2020] Artifacts for "Designing a Quantum Network Protocol"
Artifacts for the paper "Designing a Quantum Network Protocol" which was accepted to CoNEXT 2020. The artifacts include: the software code to run the simulations and reproduce... -
euroWiss - Linguistic Profiling of European Academic Education (Subcorpus 1) ...
Subcorpus 1 presents part of the euroWiss-Corpus covering communication in teaching/learning discourses in instruction at German and Italian universities, in the humanities as... -
Data Publication: Ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations of hydrogen...
This is the archived datasets used for the publication in the article: Ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations of hydrogen snapshots at warm dense matter conditions. The... -
PIConGPU simulation settings for TWEAC
The input sets of the simulations as used in the publication "Circumventing the Dephasing and Depletion Limits of Laser-Wakefield Acceleration" by A. Debus et al. .... -
Data publication: Higher harmonics in complex plasmas with alternating screening
The data for the spectrum of the density fluctuations from MD simulations -
Coupling of atomic states to particle in cell simulations
Master Thesis discussing approaches to including atomic physics in PIC simulations for transient non-thermal plasmas and developing new approaches and algorithms for doing so. -
Coupling of atomic states to particle in cell simulations
Master Thesis discussing approaches to including atomic physics in PIC simulations for transient non-thermal plasmas and developing new approaches and algorithms for doing so. -
Data publication: Towards a Quantum Fluid Theory of Correlated Many-Fermion S...
KS-DFT simulations results for wave functions and total densities used to compute Bohm potential -
Data for: Bremsstrahlung emission and plasma characterization driven by moder...
Relativistic electrons generated by the interaction of petawatt-class short laser pulses with solid targets can be used to generate bright x-rays via bremsstrahlung. The... -
Geomagnetic Kp index
Matzka et al. (2021) describe the state of the Kp index 70 years after its introduction and serve as a reference for users of the IAGA-endorsed Kp index as well as for the... -
Soil physical and hydraulic properties along two chronosequences of proglacia...
The data set ": Soil physical and hydraulic properties along two chronosequences of proglacial moraines" consists of several individual files in tabstop delimeted text format....