LISA sampler stratospheric trace gas observations
Atmospheric trace gas measurements from a Lightweight Stratospheric Air Sampler (LISA). These contain several profiles of measured CO2, CO, CH4, and N2O mole fractions and... -
Dataset Environmental Land Lease Contracts
This dataset contains the data behind the figures of Van Rosmalen, R., Harmanny, K.S., Schulp, C.J.E. (2024) Impact of environmental land lease contract specification on... -
Data for "Climate change impacts on the suitability of lowland and upland cro...
This data set contains the script used for calculating crop suitability in the paper "Climate change impacts on the suitability of lowland and upland crop systems in Lao PDR".... -
Replication Data for: Comparing the spatial structure of cities in East Afric...
Urban land use maps as shapefiles of 7 East African cities -
Value-sensitive design and full-scale implementation report for Cyprus
This report was produced under the co-finance of the European financial instrument H2020 as the second Deliverable (D2.2) of Work Package 2 (WP2) of WATER-MINING project (Grant... -
Dendrochronologisch onderzoek Buurtschap te Veld Castilielaan Eindhoven (BAAC...
Dendrochronological report -
Replication Data for: Intensity and colour of artificial light at night affec...
This dataverse contains the data collected by Gabriel Charvalakis and colleagues that form the raw data for the data analysis applied in the paper indicated above. The R script... -
Replication Data for Impact reactivation of a hydrothermal system in basalt i...
Complete dataset for the publication Impact-generated reactivation of a hydrothermal system in basalt in the Vargeão Dome impact structure, Brazil in Earth and Planetary Science... -
Global Land System classification data
Data from Van Asselen, S. & Verburg, P.H. (2012). A Land System representation for global assessments and land-use modeling. Global Change Biology, 18(10): 3125-3148... -
Landscape value indicators social media
Spatial data from van Zanten et al. (2016). Continental-scale quantification of landscape values using social media data. PNAS 113: 12974-12979 Through social media people often... -
Biodiversity protection and carbon storage as drivers of global land change
Policy decisions regarding land use and land management are increasingly accounting for non-consumptive uses and ecosystem services. This research presents three global land... -
Flood regulation data
Data from Stürck, J., Poortinga, A., Verburg, P. H., 2014. Mapping ecosystem services: The supply and demand of flood regulation services in Europe. Ecol. Ind. 38, 198-211.... -
Developing a methodology for a species-based and spatially explicit indicator...
The data available for download is from Overmars et al. 2014. Developing a methodology for a species-based and spatially explicit indicator for biodiversity on agricultural land... -
Preliminary land system map for Europe
We present a land use management map for Europe. This is a preliminary version of the map as it can be subject to updates. The land use management map is based on the land cover... -
Dendrochronologisch onderzoek Leiden Snellius Westflank (BAAC project 24.1001)
Een monster van een essen plank (vnr. 47) uit een waterkuil (S53) is ingezet voor dendrochronologisch onderzoek, met als doel de ouderdom van het hout en het kapjaar van de boom... -
No net loss data
Spatial data from Schulp et al. (2016). A quantitative assessment of policy options for no net loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the European Union. Land Use... -
Globally potentially available cropland data
Data from Eitelberg, D.A., van Vliet, J. & Verburg, P.H. (2014). A review of global potentially available cropland estimates and their consequences for model-based... -
Agent Based Modelling of cultural landscapes and behavioral transformations
Data from Zagaria et. al. (2017). Cultural landscapes and behavioral transformations: An agent-based model for the simulation and discussion of alternative landscape futures in... -
Wild Food Data
Data from Schulp et al. (2014). Wild food in Europe: a synthesis of knowledge and data of terrestrial wild food as an ecosystem service. Ecological Economics 105: 292-305. Wild... -
Characteristics of European Cultural Landscapes
Range of data originally assembled for: Tieskens, K.F., Schulp, C.J.E., Levers, C., Lieskovský, J., Kuemmerle, T., Plieninger, T., Verburg, P.H., 2017. Characterizing European...