Residual stresses in as-cast aluminium AA7050 rolling sheet ingots: influence of using a wiper


The present work is the continuation and conclusion of the neutron diffraction measurement campaign carried out in July 2011 at SALSA (ILL-Grenoble) on as-cast rolling sheet ingots, 300 mm in thickness, 600 mm in width, 1000 mm in length and 500 Kg in weight. Residual strains and stresses were measured along the three directions, x, y and z, and along five scan lines. Only the ingot (labelled HS) cast without wiper (wipers are aimed at reducing as-cast stresses) was measured as the neutron beampath length was maximum, around 300 mm, at all locations.Following the measurements on this ingot at SALSA (July 2011), we would like to resume the work by measuring the d0 reference values on ingot HS over the five scan lines as macrosegregation is known to be important in rolling sheet ingot casting and certainly induces d0 variations, and the residual stresses on ingot HSW cast with the help of a wiper along the same five scan lines.Both ingots, HS and HSW, were cast at Constellium-Voreppe with the same casting speed (90 mm/min), mould and casting recipe, meaning that only the use of a wiper will result in different stress levels.

Metadata Access
Creator Drezet, Jean-Marie; Chobaut, Nicolas; Pirling, Thilo
Publisher Institut Laue-Langevin
Publication Year 2014
Rights OpenAccess; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Size 1 GB
Version 1
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields