The hydroacoustic surveys carried out during MARIA S. MERIAN cruise MSM86 were aimed at acquiring detailed information of the areas of interest (Boyd Seamount; Logi Ridge; Vesteris; Vestnesa Ridge) with respect to backscatter and bathymetry. During MARIA S. MERIAN cruise MSM86, the MBES KONGSBERG EM122 was operating almost continuously. The shallow to medium water MBES KONGSBERG EM712 system was only operating in water depths above about 1000 m. Hydroacoustic surveys were usually conducted with a vessel speed of maximum 6 kn, while for some few sub-bottom profiles, a reduced speed of about 4 kn was applied. During transits the vessel speed was increased to 8-12 kn, depending on weather conditions. Sound velocity profiles were uploaded into the recording system online. Data are unprocessed and therefore may contain incorrect depth measurements (artifacts) without further processing.
These data should not be used for navigational purposes