The proposal aims to further investigate the transition from commensurate magnetic order to incommensurate magnetic and charge stripe order in the family of compounds, La2-xSrxCoO4. Measurements of the magnetic spectrum have previously been performed on hole-doped compounds with x=1/2 and x=1/3, and on undoped La2CoO4. We recently studied an x=0.3 sample on MAPS, and the data preliminarily shows a similar pattern to x=1/3 but with a smaller incommensurability. We planned also to measure an x=0.25 sample on MAPS, but we lost about one-third of the beam time due to accelerator faults at ISIS and decided to concentrate on finishing the study of the x=0.3 sample. Our objective now is to measure the magnetic spectrum of the x=0.25 to give more information on the exact nature of the crossover between the spin-charge stripe phase and the commensurate antiferromagnetic phase.