This dataset contains results related to the benchmark case 3 as described in detail in the call for participation.
The sub-folder "reference" contains solutions for pressure in both the fractures and the bulk porous matrix on five different refinement levels. The naming scheme is as follows: CASENAME_SIMULATIONTYPE_DOMAIN_REFINEMENT-00001.vtu, where CASENAME refers to the benchmark case (here: "case3_small"), SIMULATIONTYPE denotes the type of simulation carried out (here: "onep", a single-phase flow simulation), DOMAIN is either "fracture" or "matrix", and REFINEMENT is an integer number denoting the refinement level.
The last refinement level was used as reference in the related publication.
The solutions were produced with the Dumux implementation of the mpfa scheme, denoted in the related publication by "USTUTT-MPFA". The results can be reproduced by getting the source code to the Dumux implementation of this test case. Installation and execution instructions can be found therein. The .vtu-files can be visualized with the open-source software ParaView.