TICON-3: Tidal Constants based on GESLA-3 sea-level records from globally distributed tide gauges including gauge type information (data)


The TIdal CONstants (TICON) dataset was first published in Piccioni et al (2019). This dataset provided estimations of 40 tidal constituents from 1,145 tide gauge records. These tide gauge records were taken from the GESLA-2 database (Woodworth et al 2017). The dataset has served the community well as it was used for the validation of global ocean tide models in several studies (e.g. Hart-Davis et al 2021; Sulzbach et al 2021). Since this, a more recent database has been produced, GESLA-3 (Haigh et al 2022), which significantly increases the number of tide gauge records to 5,119 tide gauges. This has led to the need for an update to the TICON dataset in order to account for the increased number of observations as well as the increased time-series records of the already existing tide gauges. This need has resulted in the development of the TICON-3 dataset, which is presented here. Following the same approach as described in Piccioni et al (2019), least-squares harmonic analysis was conducted on every individual tide gauge of the GESLA-3 database. Additional processing was done to remove any tide gauges with insufficient data (at least 70% of valid measurements) as well as the removal of tide gauges with less than 1 years worth of valid measurements. This has resulted in the availability of 3,471 tide gauges within the TICON-3 dataset, a significant increase of 2,323 tide gauges relative to the previous TICON version. A further addition to the TICON dataset is based on gauge type information newly provided by the GESLA-3 database, which has also been included as the final column of the TICON-3 dataset. These gauge types are either 'Coastal', 'River' and 'Lake'. Distinguishing between these tide gauge types is vital based on the applications where the data is used and it is, therefore, important that users select the appropriate gauge type.

Data descriptionThe new dataset is available via a text file called TICON_3.txt. In total, 40 tidal constituents are available within this dataset for 3,471 tide gauges globally. These data are stored in thirteen columns, that are structured as follows:1. Latitude of the tide gauge station in degrees2. Longitude of the tide gauge station in degrees, with range [0 360]3. Constituent name4. Amplitude in cm5. Phase lag (Greenwich lag) in degrees, with range [0 360]6. The standard deviation of the amplitude in cm7. The standard deviation of the phase lag in degrees8. Percentage of missing observations9. The total number of observations analyzed10. Length of the maximum temporal gap found in the time series in days11. Date of the first observation [day/month/year]12. Date of the last observation [day/month/year]13. Code that corresponds to the original source of the record14. Tide gauge type (either coastal, lake or river)

DOI https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.951610
Related Identifier References https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.946889
Metadata Access https://ws.pangaea.de/oai/provider?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=datacite4&identifier=oai:pangaea.de:doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.951610
Creator Hart-Davis, Michael G ORCID logo; Dettmering, Denise ORCID logo; Seitz, Florian ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2022
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 2.7 MBytes
Discipline Earth System Research