Replication Data for: Evaluation of the cytotoxic and antimicrobial potential of epiphytic biomass obtained from Laminaria hyperborea biorefinery side-streams


This dataset describes the calculations and the related methods used to determine the EC50 values-cytotoxicity against 5 cell lines (MOLM13, PC3, MCF7, NRK, H9C2) of the crude extracts and flash fractions of Laminaria's epiphytes. In order to assess the cytotoxicity, we performed the WST-1 cell proliferation assay, a colorimetric assay, using 96 well plates [1]. By measuring the UV absorbance, we calculated the % cell survival and then, the EC50 (concentration that reduces the viability of cells by 50%) using four-parameter regression analysis (dose response curve). We also performed one-way statistical analysis to determine differences between the extracts and between the fractions.

[1] Diaz, A.E.C.; Herfindal, L.; Andersen, H.L.; Fossen, T. Cytotoxic Natural Products Isolated from Cryptogramma Crispa (L.) R. Br. Molecules 2023, 28, 7723,

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Metadata Access
Creator Barouti, Angeliki ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Barouti, Angeliki; University of Bergen
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Research Council of Norway RCN project numbers # 234506, #261669, and #30959 ; This research was funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN project numbEuropean Council JPI-AMR RCN project #298410
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Barouti, Angeliki (University of Bergen)
Resource Type tabular; Dataset
Format text/plain; text/comma-separated-values; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size 3005; 10113; 10107; 10084; 10105; 10089; 10095; 10100; 10106; 10102; 10096; 10091; 10097; 10077; 10093; 10098; 10094; 10370; 10104; 43008; 10151; 10109; 10088; 10112; 10101; 10110; 10099; 10082; 10108; 30720; 823; 1116; 1103; 1440; 41886; 4235; 4225; 4243; 2192; 50777; 4221; 3199; 4227; 4206; 2833; 56326; 3284; 4367; 3295; 4303; 2752; 40275; 3203; 4239; 4255; 51047; 4219; 4223; 4228; 3168; 122421; 4263; 3912; 3827; 3754; 3655; 3473; 4246; 3765; 14706; 125371; 4131; 4180; 3860; 4183; 4559; 3954; 3261; 4088; 954; 14290; 130007; 4277; 4009; 3877; 3026; 3008; 4248; 2853; 2195; 4033; 15113; 123099; 4217; 3874; 3787; 3723; 3652; 4266; 3829; 4103; 9019; 124482; 4075; 4185; 3862; 4191; 4572; 4163; 3493; 4267; 14105; 336; 1190; 893; 1187; 885; 1142; 921; 1244; 910; 1272; 1274; 913; 1283; 1074; 1249; 881; 1123; 1192; 898; 1112; 792; 1062; 917; 1406; 1127; 1124; 1070; 1172; 773; 1125; 877; 1091; 902; 1264; 1056; 1218; 909; 1222; 896; 1239; 1092; 1253; 1292; 1100; 1348; 1217; 901; 844; 839; 27053; 3923; 841; 836; 26854; 3946; 1087; 26936; 3980; 837; 27080; 3927; 835; 26860; 3944; 17955; 98146; 6036; 5381; 922; 1862
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Life Sciences; Medicine; Natural Sciences