Global multiyear 3D dataset of cloud condensation nuclei derived from spaceborne lidar measurements


We present a novel multiyear global dataset of height-resolved number concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei (NCCN) at a supersaturation of 0.20 %. The NCCN is estimated from the spaceborne CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infra-Red Pathfinder Satellite Observation) lidar measurements using the OMCAM (Optical Modeling of CALIPSO Aerosol Microphysics) algorithm. The data also includes aerosol-type-specific NCCN for five aerosol types: dust, marine, polluted continental, elevated smoke, and clean continental. It has a monthly resolution, covering the time period from June 2006 to December 2021. We further provide a 3D climatology of aerosol-type-specific NCCN estimated from the complete time series. Data are provided as yearly netCDF files (netCDF version 4), given at a horizontal latitude-longitude grid of 2° × 5° and a vertical resolution of 60 m.

CCN data is produced from CALIPSO level 2 version 4.20/4.21 aerosol profile product.Algorithm is described in Choudhury and Tesche (2022).----File content:(1) File contains a 3D climatology for the observed time range - year-round and per season.(2) The other netCDF files (each file for one year) contain data in monthy resolution.----Variables and Dimensions in (1): - lon (lon): longitude - lat (lat): latitude - altitude (altitude): altitude - seasons (seasons): index of seasons: 1-Winter (DJF), 2-Spring(MAM), 3-Summer (JJA), and 4-Autumn (SON) - NDO (lon, lat): Number of days observed with aerosol extinction >= 0 km^-1 - CCN_cl (lon, lat, altitude): climatology of cloud condensation nuclei concentration at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_d (lon, lat, altitude): dust CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_cc (lon, lat, altitude): clean continental CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_es (lon, lat, altitude): elevated smoke CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_m (lon, lat, altitude): marine CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_pc (lon, lat, altitude): polluted continental CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): seasonal climatology of cloud condensation nuclei concentration at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn_d (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): dust CCN seasonal climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn_cc (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): clean continental CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn_es (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): elevated smoke CCN seasonal climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn_m (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): marine CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn_pc (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): polluted continental CCN seasonal climatology at 0.2% ss----Variables and Dimensions in (2): - lon (lon): longitude - lat (lat): latitude - altitude (altitude): altitude - time (time): time - CCN (lon, lat, altitude, time): cloud condensation nuclei concentration at 0.2% ss - CCN_cc (lon, lat, altitude, time): clean continental CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_d (lon, lat, altitude, time): dust CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_es (lon, lat, altitude, time): elevated smoke CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_m (lon, lat, altitude, time): marine CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_pc (lon, lat, altitude, time): polluted continental CCN at 0.2% ss - DMO (lon, lat, time): days of month observed with aerosol extinction coefficient >= 0 - N (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with extinction coefficient >= 0 - N_cc (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with clean continental extinction coefficient >= 0 - N_d (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with dust extinction coefficient >= 0 - N_es (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with elevated smoke extinction coefficient >= 0 - N_m (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with marine extinction coefficient >= 0 - N_pc (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with polluted continental extinction coefficient >= 0 - Na (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with extinction coefficient > 0 - Na_cc (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with clean continental extinction coefficient > 0 - Na_d (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with dust extinction coefficient > 0 - Na_es (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with elevated smoke extinction coefficient > 0 - Na_m (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with marine extinction coefficient > 0 - Na_pc (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with polluted continental extinction coefficient > 0 - P (lon, lat, altitude, time): pressure - T (lon, lat, altitude, time): temperature - CCN_std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of cloud condensation nuclei concentration at 0.2% ss - CCN_cc_std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of clean continental CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_d_std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of dust CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_es_std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of elevated smoke CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_m_std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of marine CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_pc _std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of polluted continental CCN at 0.2% ss

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Metadata Access
Creator Choudhury, Goutam ORCID logo; Tesche, Matthias ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference German Academic Exchange Service Crossref Funder ID 57429422 Franco–German Fellowship Programme on Climate, Energy, and Earth System Research (Make Our Planet Great Again – German Research Initiative, MOPGA-GRI)
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 34 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage Global