We present a novel multiyear global dataset of height-resolved number concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei (NCCN) at a supersaturation of 0.20 %. The NCCN is estimated from the spaceborne CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infra-Red Pathfinder Satellite Observation) lidar measurements using the OMCAM (Optical Modeling of CALIPSO Aerosol Microphysics) algorithm. The data also includes aerosol-type-specific NCCN for five aerosol types: dust, marine, polluted continental, elevated smoke, and clean continental. It has a monthly resolution, covering the time period from June 2006 to December 2021. We further provide a 3D climatology of aerosol-type-specific NCCN estimated from the complete time series. Data are provided as yearly netCDF files (netCDF version 4), given at a horizontal latitude-longitude grid of 2° × 5° and a vertical resolution of 60 m.
CCN data is produced from CALIPSO level 2 version 4.20/4.21 aerosol profile product.Algorithm is described in Choudhury and Tesche (2022).----File content:(1) File CCN_climatology_cloudfree_8km.nc contains a 3D climatology for the observed time range - year-round and per season.(2) The other netCDF files (each file for one year) contain data in monthy resolution.----Variables and Dimensions in (1): - lon (lon): longitude - lat (lat): latitude - altitude (altitude): altitude - seasons (seasons): index of seasons: 1-Winter (DJF), 2-Spring(MAM), 3-Summer (JJA), and 4-Autumn (SON) - NDO (lon, lat): Number of days observed with aerosol extinction >= 0 km^-1 - CCN_cl (lon, lat, altitude): climatology of cloud condensation nuclei concentration at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_d (lon, lat, altitude): dust CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_cc (lon, lat, altitude): clean continental CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_es (lon, lat, altitude): elevated smoke CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_m (lon, lat, altitude): marine CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_pc (lon, lat, altitude): polluted continental CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): seasonal climatology of cloud condensation nuclei concentration at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn_d (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): dust CCN seasonal climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn_cc (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): clean continental CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn_es (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): elevated smoke CCN seasonal climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn_m (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): marine CCN climatology at 0.2% ss - CCN_cl_sn_pc (lon, lat, altitude, seasons): polluted continental CCN seasonal climatology at 0.2% ss----Variables and Dimensions in (2): - lon (lon): longitude - lat (lat): latitude - altitude (altitude): altitude - time (time): time - CCN (lon, lat, altitude, time): cloud condensation nuclei concentration at 0.2% ss - CCN_cc (lon, lat, altitude, time): clean continental CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_d (lon, lat, altitude, time): dust CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_es (lon, lat, altitude, time): elevated smoke CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_m (lon, lat, altitude, time): marine CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_pc (lon, lat, altitude, time): polluted continental CCN at 0.2% ss - DMO (lon, lat, time): days of month observed with aerosol extinction coefficient >= 0 - N (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with extinction coefficient >= 0 - N_cc (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with clean continental extinction coefficient >= 0 - N_d (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with dust extinction coefficient >= 0 - N_es (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with elevated smoke extinction coefficient >= 0 - N_m (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with marine extinction coefficient >= 0 - N_pc (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with polluted continental extinction coefficient >= 0 - Na (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with extinction coefficient > 0 - Na_cc (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with clean continental extinction coefficient > 0 - Na_d (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with dust extinction coefficient > 0 - Na_es (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with elevated smoke extinction coefficient > 0 - Na_m (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with marine extinction coefficient > 0 - Na_pc (lon, lat, altitude, time): bin counts with polluted continental extinction coefficient > 0 - P (lon, lat, altitude, time): pressure - T (lon, lat, altitude, time): temperature - CCN_std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of cloud condensation nuclei concentration at 0.2% ss - CCN_cc_std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of clean continental CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_d_std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of dust CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_es_std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of elevated smoke CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_m_std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of marine CCN at 0.2% ss - CCN_pc _std (lon, lat, altitude, time): Standard deviation of polluted continental CCN at 0.2% ss