The Cohort Hip & Cohort Knee (CHECK) is a population-based observational multicenter cohort study of 1002 individuals with early symptomatic osteoarthritis (OA) of knee and/or hip in the Netherlands. The participants were followed for 10 years. The study evaluated clinical, radiographic and biochemical variables in order to establish the course, prognosis and underlying mechanisms of early symptomatic osteoarthritis. The Dutch Artritis Foundation initiated and funded this inception cohort.This dataset covers the data collection from baseline to 5 years follow-up: T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5. All data files include the variable 'Subject identification number’. Included is a Kellgren-Lawrence radiographic classification covering T0,T2,T5, T8 and T10. Also X-rays of hips and knees of baseline, 2 and 5 year follow-up visits are available. The X-ray data are not included in the dataset, they are stored outside of EASY. More information on the variables can be found in the documentation.In the description file you can find an overview of the data belonging to this dataset and more information about the format and kind of view of the X rays.If you wish to use these data, please contatc Consult the file X-ray_data_request.pdf for more information.See relations for other CHECK datasets and for the overview 'Thematic collection: CHECK (Cohort Hip & Cohort Knee)'.
Date Submitted: 2015-12-24
2019-12-20: a new data file on X-Ray data 'Rontgen_opT10_20191118' was added to the dataset.2017-10-04: A data file on X-Ray ratings has been added and the variable guide is replaced by a new version (6) with information on this data file. Please note the variable names start with 'RontgT10_' in the data file.2017-07-12: Due to an error a data file has been replaced. CHECK_T0_DANS_ENG_20151211.sav is now replaced by CHECK_T0_DANS_ENG_20161128.sav.---The informed consent statements of the participants are stored at the participating hospitals.The .dta (STATA) and .por (SPSS) files are conversions of the original .sav (SPSS) files.