3D models of the substrate in the steep-sloped Guadalupe Channel in Chilean Patagonia were created with the software PhotoModeler Scanner (v.2012.0.0.586) based on 2D video data from a ROV (Ocean Modules, V8 Sii, Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany) dive at station Errina2012_GD and a reference scale (echosounder placed on the camera).These models were then used to compute subtransects lengths.Here we provide information about those subtransects obtained from the 3D models along with the models themselves:- zipped Photomodeler project files: frames extracted from the videos as .jpeg + .pmr: PhotoModeler project proprietary format- 3D point cloud provided as .dxf- animation showing the model as .gif The distance from the camera to the substrate used as the reference scale is also provided, along with the substransect lengths obtained from the distance travelled measured by the ROV Doppler Velocity Log (DVL).If any video frame from this collection is used, please credit the pictures to Claudio Richter, mailto:Claudio.Richter@awi.deIf any image of the 3D models is used, please credit the images to Laura Fillinger, mailto:Laura.Fillinger@gmail.com