A PDF investigation of synthetic Georgite - a new, high activity catalyst


Synthetic Georgite has shown high catalytic activity for a number of catalytic processes including methanol synthesis and the water gas shift reaction. Consequently, it is of considerably interest to the catalysis community. However, characterization of this material is notoriously difficult due to its highly amorphous nature. Preliminary X-ray PDF and IR spectroscopy has identified some of the species present and their relationships but currently there is no information on the hydroxide and carbonate interactions with the metal species. We wish to perform a neutron PDF experiment to fully characterize determine these interactions to develop our understanding of this materials and also as a fore-runner to future experiments where these features will be investigated as a function of temperature.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/ISIS.E.61784479
Metadata Access https://icatisis.esc.rl.ac.uk/oaipmh/request?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=oai:icatisis.esc.rl.ac.uk:inv/61784479
Creator Mr Paul Smith; Dr Simon Kondrat; Professor Stewart Parker; Dr Martin Jones; Professor Graham Hutchings; Dr Silvia Imberti
Publisher ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Publication Year 2018
Rights CC-BY Attribution 4.0 International; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
OpenAccess true
Contact isisdata(at)stfc.ac.uk
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences
Temporal Coverage Begin 2015-07-04T08:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2015-07-05T08:00:00Z