This dataset includes the data analysed in the manuscript "Compatibility of entomopathogenic nematodes and essential oils: a new step for integrated pest management of the truffle beetle". It includes three excel-files with the following information:
1) the direct and fumigant lethal effects of essential oils to nematodes, 2) the sublethal effect (infectivity) of essential oils to nematodes, 3) the chemotaxis response of nematodes towards essential oils. The objective was to examine the interactions of EPNs with essential oils, to ensure their compatibility for future integrated pest management strategies.
Program R, 4.3.1
Description of methods used for collection-generation of data:
For the direct and fumigant lethal effect, data were collected by observing the number of nematodes that die when exposed to three different essential oils. The objective was to determine if the three esential oils are compatible with nematodes observing the mortality caused by them.
For the infectivity sublethal effect, data were collected by oberving the infectivity and reproduction of nematodes priously exposed to three essential oils. The objective was to determine if nematodes exposed to essential oils that do not die present sublethal effects due to their exposure to these oils.
For the chemotaxis assay, the number of nematodes that displaced to the treated (essential oil) or control areas was counted. Then, the chemotaxis index was calculated for each product tested. The objective was to determine if nematodes are attracted or repelled by the volatiles emitted by the essential oilsdifferent volatile organic compounds emmited by truffles
Software specific information needed to interpret the data:
Program R (4.3.1 version) for statistical analysis. A linear model (LM) or a linear mixed model (LMM) (when the exposure time factor was considered) was used, with an arcsine square root transformation of the data, to test for significant differences in the mortality of EPNs in the lethal effect assays. A linear model (LM) was also applied to compare the chemotaxis response of EPNs to the EOs. For the sublethal effect assay, a generalized linear model (GLM), with binomial distribution and a logit link function, was used to test for significant differences in the infectivity of EPNs.
Environmental or experimental conditions:
Experimental conditions