Ancient Greek WordNet is a lexico-semantic resource mapped on Princeton WordNet 3.0.
The synsets provided by the current version 0.5 are filtered through Minozzi's Latin WordNet synset IDs.
Open Ancient Greek WordNet 0.5 contains
7447 synsets (all of them are mapped on Minozzi’s Latin WordNet);
22420 lemmas (coverage based on LSJ’s 120k lemmas: ~18%);
76620 senses (unsupervised; estimated precision: ~56%).
This resource has been bootstrapped from Greek-English dictionaries available online (Liddell-Scott-Jones, Middle Liddell, Autenrieth) and filtered by Stefano Minozzi’s Latin WordNet synset IDs (
The current version 0.5 has not yet been manually corrected; the estimated precision is low.