These are ERA5 reanalysis data cutouts that can be used for PyPSA-Eur. They cover latitudes between 32°N and 72°N (except for 2007 which covers 31°N and 73°N due to some internal errors when converting) and longitudes between 13°W and 35°E.
They were generated for and used in to investigate weather-resilient European power systems. They can however also be used in the general context of PyPSA-Eur (
These cutouts contain the following variables in an hourly resolution in a spatial resolution of 0.25° for both longitude and latitude:
- height
- wnd100m
- roughness
- influx_toa
- influx_direct
- influx_diffuse
- albedo
- temperature
- soil temperature
- runoff
These data were created using Atlite ( which uses the Copernicus API to download and convert reanalysis data into variables that are relevant for energy system models.
The reanalysis weather data were generated from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store.
The data are licensed under the Copernicus license (