The dataset comprises interview transcripts, interview guidelines, questionnaire survey templates, qualitative data coding structures, and published papers from three main studies of the project. The research was conducted by three researchers: (1) Investigating stakeholder collaboration for risk-sensitive urban planning using survey and case study strategies, (2) Exploring community engagement for risk-sensitive urban planning through a grounded theory study, and (3) Community resilience in risk-sensitive urban planning. Data for the stakeholder collaboration study were collected using questionnaire surveys and interviews with practitioners involved in disaster risk reduction and urban planning in Sri Lanka. The analysis utilized interpretive structural modeling and system dynamics. For the community engagement study, data were collected through key informant interviews with practitioners involved in disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and urban planning, as well as focus group discussions with community participants in Sri Lanka. The analysis involved grounded theory-based qualitative data coding (open coding, focused coding, and theoretical coding), Total Interpretive Structural Modeling, stakeholder analysis, and social network analysis. The community resilience study data were collected using interviews in Pakistan, and the analysis was conducted through qualitative data coding and the Q-Sort method.During the last decade, many initiatives have been undertaken to make progress in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and response. However the progress in disaster risk reduction has been limited by the failure to acknowledge and address the development processes as the root causes of disasters. Previous initiatives have concentrated on reducing existing risks, rather than on how risks are generated and accumulated in the first place through development projects that are taking place as a part of the reconstruction phase after a disaster or in response to the demand of urban sprawl. Furthermore, work on resilience has attracted criticism for its failure to involve vulnerable communities and address the issue of equity and power. As a result, the Sustainable Development Goals which call for "reduced inequalities", "inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities" and "partnerships for goals" and the Sendai Priority 4 that calls for build-back better in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction, are hard to achieve due to a lack of research knowledge, current practices and policies. One of the explanations for increasing risks is that the development and disaster risk reduction decision-making processes occur in silos, conducted by different agencies, institutions and other actors with differing priorities, perspectives and time horizons. Therefore, there is an urgent need to transform current development practices that increase or create risks, as well as unfairly distributing risks to vulnerable communities, to a new form of development practice that is equitable and resilient. This project consortium believe such a transformation can be achieved by enabling cross-organisational collaboration, openness, adaptability, learning, impartiality, power sharing and public participation. The project aims to investigate processes, governance structures, policies and technology that can enable a transition towards a more risk-sensitive and transformative urban development approach. More specifically, the project aims to investigate the nature of a sociotechnical system, enabled by a collaborative foresight and consensus building virtual workspace, which can promote collaborative governance approach across relevant organisations and support the transparent and democratic involvement of all the relevant stakeholders (including experts from local authorities, disaster management authorities, developers, poor and vulnerable communities, and humanitarian organisations) to analyse, forecast, visualize and debate disaster-risk trade-offs and to choose development plans that ensure sustainability and equitable resilience, giving considerations to climate change adaptation. The key research questions that the project is aiming to address are: What type of formal and informal collaborative partnerships need to be established to alleviate long-standing tensions between development and DRR and progress towards more risk-sensitive and transformative urban development? What changes are required within the current urban planning process to facilitate risk-sensitive urban development, giving consideration to natural disasters and their impact on the environment, economy and vulnerable communities? What are the type of narratives that need to be developed, presented and discussed to establish a comprehensive understanding of the impact of the proposed developments on the community, economy and environment ? What are the vulnerabilities that need to be considered within the local context? How can we make participatory planning more accessible to a range of communities? Three countries (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia) from the Asia-Pacific region have been selected for this research since the Asia-Pacific region continues to be the world's most disaster prone region. These countries are frequently affected by a multitude of natural hazards including floods, landslides, cyclones and droughts.
Interviews (Online and Physical) Focus group discussions Field visits Virtual Collaborative Platforms (e.g. Miro)