Near surface geophysics dataset from Bajocian limestones outcropping in 4 quarries of the eastern Paris Basin


Near surface geophysics dataset from Bajocian limestones outcropping in 4 quarries of the eastern Paris Basin.

This dataset contains raw data from near surface geophysics profiles carried out in 4 quarries of the eastern Paris Basin

  • Attignéville, WGS84 coordinates : 48.386156, 5.830445
  • Beaufremont, WGS84 coordinates : 48.265427, 5.751903
  • Rouvres-la-Chétive, WGS84 coordinates : 48.306249, 5.765147
  • Sommerécourt, WGS84 coordinates : 48.230191, 5.641293

Five Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) profiles have been acquired: (1) ERT1 at Attigneville, (2) ERT2, (3) ERT3 and (4) ERT4 at Beaufremont, and (5) ERT5 at Sommerécourt.

Four Seismic Refraction profiles (S) have been acquired: (1) S1 at Beaufremont, (2) S2 at Sommerécourt, (3) S3 and (4) S4 at Rouvres-la-Chétive.

Python, 3

ResIPy, 3.5.4

PyRefra, 1.3.1

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Brigaud, Benjamin ORCID logo; Pessel, Marc ORCID logo; Zeyen, Hermann
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Brigaud, Benjamin; Université Paris-Saclay; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Laboratoire de Geosciences Paris-Saclay; Entrepôt-Catalogue Recherche Data Gouv
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference CNRS 2011-XV ; ANDRA N87890
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Brigaud, Benjamin (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, GEOPS, 91405, Orsay, France)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/x-fixed-field; text/plain; application/zip
Size 21508; 21545; 21993; 143874; 77081; 5224; 90439983
Version 1.0
Discipline Geosciences; Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Natural Sciences