Dataset for the article "Early visual experience refines the retinotopic organization within and across visual cortical regions".
The study was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG 2625/10-1) and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreement numbers 720270 (Human Brain Project SGA1), 785907 (Human Brain Project SGA2) and 945539 (Human Brain Project SGA3). RG was additionally supported by the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS).
Additional information for the dataset:
ppt = participant code (16: SC01, ... , SC08, CC01, ... , CC08)
group = group (2: 1 = sighted control, 2 = cataract reversal)
poi = patch of interest of a vertex (6: V1d, V1v, V2d, V2v, V3d, V3v)
hemisphere = hemisphere (2: LH, RH)
VertexID = ID of vertex in standardized mesh
eccbin = eccbin of the vertex, according to "ecc" column
1: 0.5° – 1.5°, 2: 1.5° 17 - 2.5°, 3: 2.5° - 3.5°, 4: 3.5° - 4.5°, 5: 4.5° - 5.5°, 6: 5.5° - 6.61°
eccfine = finer bins of eccentricity for linear model
0.5° - 1°, 1° - 1.5°, 1.5° - 2°, 2° - 2.5°, 2.5° - 3°, 3° - 3.5°, 3.5° 19 - 4°, 4° - 4.5°, 4.5° - 5°, 5° - 5.5°, 5.5° - 6°, 6°- 6.61°
pois.dv = patch of interest across dorsal and ventral stream (3: V1, V2, V3)
X/Y/Z = coordinates of vertex
R = square root of the explained variance of the best fitting pRF model per vertex, used as threshold
p.value.R = associated p-value
X = x location of the pRF model assigned to a vertex (negative x values [left visual field] on right hemisphere)
p.value.X = associated p-value
Y = y location of the pRF model assigned to a vertex (negative y values [lower visual field] dorsally)
p.value.y = associated p-value
s = receptive field size of the pRF model assigned to a vertex
p.value.s = associated p-value
ecc = eccentricity of the pRF model assigned to a vertex (in degrees of visual angle) obtained by applying the equation ecc = sqrt(x2 + y2) at each vertex
p.value.ecc = associated p-value
PolarAngle = polar angle of the pRF model assigned to a vertex; estimates of the location in polar coordinates;
the calculated angle α is expressed relativ to the positive (right pointing) x axis and is simply
obtained by applying the equation α = atan2(-y, x) at each vertex.
p.value.PA = associated p-value
CMF = cortical magnification factor [mm/deg] of vertex, derived by dividing the vertex mesh distance by the vertex-to-vertex pRF xy coordinates distance
(in visual field) for neighboring voxels with R > 0.1 and normalizing it by the number of vertices
p.value.CMF = associated p-value
logMAR = Snellen visual acuity measurement in logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution assessed with the FrACT test
vernier = Vernier acuity values in arcsec assessed with the FrACT test