This file contains an HSC model for NdFeB permanent magnet production, from ore processing to magnet production and two possible recycling routes. Data to build the model is found in key literature studies and from internal project data obtained by the various partners in four work packages (rare earth oxide separation, reduction and purification, alloy design, and powder magnet production).
The model was used to perform a resource efficiency, including exergy, and environmental impact (LCA) evaluation of the life cycle of a NdFeB permanent magnet produced from primary and secondary resources. This work has been submitted to JOM, in its special edition “Thermodynamic modeling of sustainable non-ferrous metals production” and has been accepted for publication with a digital object identifier (DOI): Detailed information about the literature sources used for developing the model can be found in the original research paper. The model was built using HSC Chemistry version 9.9 (
Funding agency: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Grant number / name: REGINA - Rare Earth Global Industry and New Applications - project (funding number 033R185B), promoted within the Framework Program FONA - Forschung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, under the funding priority CLIENT II - International Partnerships for Sustainable Innovation.
Related publication: Fernandes, I.B., Abadías Llamas, A. & Reuter, M.A. Simulation-Based Exergetic Analysis of NdFeB Permanent Magnet Production to Understand Large Systems. JOM 72, 2754–2769 (2020).