Dataset and R script used to build a species distribution model for black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) broods in the northern French Alps (RBC3) within the altitude range 1600-2400m using the biomod2 package (Thuiller et al., 2023). This dataset contains both the model input data (pre-processed) and the final maps. The SDM is based on random forest models.
It contains three folders:
- 01_Landscape_Classification_Deep_Learning: land cover maps derived from deep learning classifications (VHSR) and associated training polygons. These maps were used to extract landscape composition variables used as input to the SDM.
02_biomod2_Species_Distribution_Model: pre-processed landscape variables, observation data, and R script to run biomod2.
03_Lyrurustetrix_Nesting_Maps: maps of probability of presence of black grouse broods derived from the SDM at the scale of the RBC3.
This work is the result of a collaboration between the Observatoire des Galliformes de Montagnev (OGM) and INRAE as part of a project to map the breeding habitat of black grouse throughout the Alps.
This work is in the process of publication.