First wave of the European election studies 1989 contains information about interest in and knowledge of several aspects of the European Community and voting behaviour/intentions, one year before the European elections 1989. nr. of interview sessions, persons present at interview, cooperation of respondent / being entitled to vote / intended electoral participation European elections 1989 and intended party choice / intended electoral participation in national elections and intended party choice / participation and party choice in last national elections / European Parliament party group 1984 of the intended party choice of European elections in 1989 / information and knowledge of - the powers of - the European Parliament / impression of the Commission of the European Community / after realization of the Single European Market ( SEM ), what will be the next steps in unification / national pride, feeling european / for or against european unification / membership of European Community ( EC ) is good or bad / own country benefits from EC / feelings about dissolution of EC / opinion about SEM and Common Agricultural Policy / EC is considered ( not ) important / perceived position in EC of the national political parties / ( dis )advantages of SEM: no more customs control/ may reside and work in entire EC/ buy products from and carry money in entire EC/ Value added tax ( VAT ) harmonisation/ easy payments within EC/ buy property in entire EC/ freedom of banking and contracting/ recognition of work-qualification, more flexible work conditions/ harmonisation of safety rules, technological innovations and workers participation/ EC-wide collective bargaining / importance of several issues: 4 national issues/ unemployment/ stable prices/ european unification/ arms limitation/ agricultural surplus/ environment/ Turkey in EC/ realization of SEM / Inglehart's materialist post-materialist index / left-right position and political interest of respondent / protection of rights / preference for democracy or dictatorship, revolution or maintain status quo / importance of elected institutes / party attachment: strength and direction / age when respondent left school / size of firm and number of people supervised by respondent / former occupation / next year will be: better-worse, peaceful- troubled / number of strikes will increase-decrease next year / since last year economy got better-worse, finance of household got better-worse / life satisfaction. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ organizational membership