NorCPM1 input data for CMIP6 DCPP simulations


External forcing and other input data required to rerun Norwegian Climate Prediction Model version 1 (NorCPM1) simulations that have been contributed to the Climate Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) as part of the Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP).

NorCPM1_inputdata.tar.gz: CMIP5 and CMIP6 forcing data and model boundary conditions. NorCPM1_initial-18500101.tar.gz: year-1850 restart files for DECK experiments, historical experiment and single-forcing sensitivity experiments.
NorCPM1_initial-19500115.tar.gz: year-1950 restart files for assimilation experiments. NorCPM1_initial-19970415.tar.gz, NorCPM1_initial-19971015.tar.gz: restart files for 1997/1998 El Nino hindcasts.

Installation (320 GB of free storage required): Copy and untar files to a location of your choice on your HPC facility accessible to compute nodes. This will create a top-level folder inputdata and place files in respective subfolders.

Metadata Access
Creator Bethke, Ingo
Publisher Norstore Archive
Publication Year 2021
OpenAccess true
Contact Norstore Archive
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Natural Sciences