The phantom surface (pectoral girdle bones of a frog) was used to generate the pectoral girdle bones in the phantom stack. The phantom stack was used in a mathematical simulation of a cone-beam CT scan and the synthetic CT volumes were reconstructed using either the FDK_CUDA or the SIRT3D_CUDA algorithm (ASTRA toolbox for Matlab). Parameters that characterize the volume quality are given in the file names. “FDK”/”SIRT3D”: volume reconstruction algorithm; “mean”: mean value of the mean gray values of pectoral girdle bones and soft tissue; “CNR”: contrast to noise ratio of pectoral girdle bones and soft tissue. The scaling of the surface matches the scaling of the volumes if the voxel size is set to 1 unit.
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - 387723284.