EIFELL Dataset: Experiences of Funerals, 2021


EIFELL, a psychometric measure was constructed around five themes of the experiences of funerals; i) the funeral followed the wishes of the person who died, ii) decision making had to be inclusive, iii) responsive funeral directors were well-regarded, iv) being with the body, v) having a funeral service that met their expectations. Additionally, we asked about demographics of the respondent and the characteristics of the funeral they were reporting in this study. The data for 195 respondents is in an csv file and has been transformed (see key) with identifiable information redacted for anonymisation. The data is complemented by a key as well as the survey in PDF and Javascript Object Notation formats.The aim of this study is to fest the feasibility of a psychometric measure of the experiences of funerals. Previous qualitative research found five themes of the experiences of funeral, which were used to construct the EIFELL psychometric measure; i) the funeral followed the wishes of the person who died, ii) decision making had to be inclusive, iii) responsive funeral directors were well-regarded, iv) being with the body, v) having a funeral service that met their expectations. A secondary aim, that will be possible if enough participants respond, is to test the reliability and validity of the measure.

The study used a non-experimental psychometric design to administer the questionnaire and assess its feasibility and psychometric properties. Information about the study and a link to commence it, was via a blog on funeral director's website. Social media and press releases directing potential participants to the blog. The study was administered via JISC online surveys and consisted of four parts; i) information about the study and consent, 2) background information about the characteristics of the funeral being reported 2) the EIFELL psychometric measure, 3) demographics and other information about the respondent and 4) a closing section with open text responses any additional information they want to add about the funeral or any comments about the questionnaire.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-855182
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=9d3d144643f596e712bfd37d086d51f1f9607b43acaa3bc3c337e85fec62d52f
Creator Patel, A, University of Bradford; Walters, E, University of Bradford; Rugg, J, University of York; Jones, S, Full Circle Funerals; Branney, P, University of Bradford
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2022
Funding Reference University of Bradford
Rights Elizabeth Walters, University of Bradford. Julie Rugg, University of York. Sarah Jones, Full Circle Funerals. Peter Branney, University of Bradford; The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric; Text
Discipline Psychology; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom; United Kingdom