The corpus of the "Attacks on the Yugoslav National Army" is one of the oldest corpora (1989) compliled at the Jožef Stefan Institute, made with the purpose of analysing the thesis advanced by the official Belgrade policies that Slovenian media are attacking the Yugoslav National Army.
The corpus contains 360 articles (220 thousand words) that were published in the period April - August 1989 in Slovene periodicals, such as Delo, Dnevnik, Komunist, Teleks, and Mladina. The corpus contains predominantly the commentary of Slovene journalists on the events surrounding the period of the so called "Slovene Spring" that was marked by "JBTZ trail", cf.
The corpus was subsequently converted to TEI and PoS annotated and lemmatised.
The corpus and its analysis is presented in:
Žagar, Igor Ž., Tancig, Peter (1989). Računalniška analiza "napadov na JLA". Časopis za kritiko znanosti (17) 119/120.