Structural Biology at EMBL Grenoble, IBS-CIBB and IAB


This proposal clusters crystallography and bioSAXS projects at the EMBL Grenoble, IBS-CIBB and IAB. It combines groups working on different topics with a major focus on cell signaling proteins, drug discovery, long non-coding RNAs, nucleic acid-protein complexes, and host-pathogen interactions. The proposers have long-standing experience in the use, as well as the development of beam lines for macromolecular crystallography and biological small angle X-ray scattering and have participated in successive BAG applications over the years, mostly at the ESRF but also at other synchrotrons. The BAG responsible is Andrew McCarthy (EMBL Grenoble) for this application round.

Metadata Access
Creator Petra PERNOT; MIN JIA ORCID logo; Khadeeja Mubashira KHADEEJA MUBASHIRA; JILL VON VELSEN ORCID logo; Marc JAMIN; Matthew BOWLER ORCID logo; Jules VAN DER WALT ORCID logo; Jae Min EUM ORCID logo; Andrew MCCARTHY ORCID logo
Publisher ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Publication Year 2027
Rights CC-BY-4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Data from large facility measurement; Collection
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields