Magnetic susceptibility and frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility of Palouse loess at site CLY-2, eastern Washington, USA


These data are from samples gathered in 2016 from the CLY-2 site in eastern Washington, USA (Location: 46.3131, -118.4874, WGS84). The CLY-2 is a roadcut exposing a vertical face of the Palouse loess containing carbonate paleosol horizons and tephras. The samples were collected from a set of three stepped trenches into the roadcut about 10-20 m apart. Each trench was excavated to a depth of about a meter to expose a fresh surface; the final ~10 cm was excavated with non-ferrous digging tools. Five samples were collected from each depth; all five were analyzed for magnetic susceptibility and frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility at Whitman College using a Bartington MS-2 with the MS-2B benchtop sample analyzer.

Metadata Access
Creator Bader, Nicholas E ORCID logo; Broze, Elliot A; Coates, Molly A; Elliott, McKenzie M; McGann, Gabriella E; Strozyk, Sarah; Burmester, Russell F
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference M J Murdock Charitable Trust Crossref Funder ID 2015295 A record of Quaternary paleoclimate from the Palouse loess, southeastern Washington
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 3295 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (118.487 LON, 46.313 LAT); Washington, USA