Hidden crisis project: studies of community water management in Malawi and Uganda 2017-2018


In developing countries, the dominant model for managing rural water supplies is a community-level association or committee. Although a relative paucity of evidence exists to support this model, it continues to exert a strong pull on policy makers. This project examines everyday water governance arrangements, situating these in the exigencies of wider village life and over the course of changing seasons. The data highlights the social embeddedness of water governance, and challenges the dominant 'associational model' of community based management. In none of the 12 sites do we observe a fully formed committee functioning as it should according to policy. Instead, water management arrangements are typically comprised by one or a small number of key individuals from the community, who may or may not be part of a waterpoint committee.Extending and sustaining access to safe and reliable water services remains central to improving the health and livelihoods of poor people, particularly women, in Africa. Here an estimated 350 million rural inhabitants still have no form of safe drinking water, and depend on poor quality unreliable sources for all their domestic needs. Improving access to water, and helping to achieve new international goals of universal access to safe water hinges on accelerated development of groundwater resources, usually through drilling boreholes and equipping them with handpumps. However, emphasis on new infrastructure has obscured a hidden crisis of failure, with 30% of new sources non-functional within 5-years and many more unreliable. This problem has remained stubbornly persistent over the last four decades, with little sign of sustained progress despite various interventions. Part of the reason for this continued failure is the lack of systematic investigations into the complex multifaceted reasons for failure and therefore the same mistakes are often repeated. The accumulated costs to governments, donors and above all rural people are enormous. Addressing the functionality crisis requires a step-change in understanding of what continues to go wrong. The complex issue must be approached from a truly interdisciplinary viewpoint: combining innovative natural sciences to assess the availability of local water resources and how this changes with seasons and climate; with detailed social science research of how local communities function and make decisions about managing their infrastructure; and understanding of how the engineered structures can degenerate. Underlying these reasons for source failure may be other contributory factors, such as government incentives, the role of the donor community, or long term changes in the demand for water. The overall aim of the project is to build a robust, multi-country evidence base on the causes of the unacceptably high rates of groundwater system and service failure and use this knowledge to deliver a step-change in future functionality. To achieve this aim, our research draws on a novel interdisciplinary approach using the latest thinking and techniques in both natural and social science and applies them to three African countries that have struggled for decades with service sustainability - Uganda, Ethiopia and Malawi. There are five main objectives:1.to provide a rigorous definition of functionality of water points which accounts for seasonality, quality and expectations of service; 2. to apply this new definition to Ethiopia, Uganda and Malawi to get a more realistic picture of water point functionality and therefore water coverage figures; 3. to investigate in detail 50 water points in each country by taking apart the water points and pumps, testing the local groundwater conditions, examining the renewability of groundwater and exploring in detail the local water committee; 4. we will also build on this information to forecast future rural water supply coverage by modelling the impact on water points of various potential future pathways; and 5. finally we will use all this information to develop an approach for building resilience into future rural water supply programmes and helping people decide when it is worth rehabilitating failed sources. To carry out this ground breaking research we have brought together a consortium, led by the British Geological Survey, of leading interdisciplinary UK researchers at BGS, KCL, ODI and Cambridge with groundwater academics from three highly regarded African universities (Universities of Addis Ababa, Mekerere and Malawi), and WaterAid, a leading NGO on developing rural water supply services across Africa with a history of innovation. The research has the potential to have a major impact on the delivery of reliable clean water throughout Africa, and if the results can be taken up widely break the pattern of repeated failure.

Using participant diary keeping and a range of qualitative social science methods - participatory mapping, transect walks, seasonal calendars, focus groups and interviews - conducted during quarterly visits, we tracked community members’ day-to-day experiences of managing, accessing and using water. This phase provided an in-depth understanding of how a community’s relationship to water changes through the seasons and in relation to wider livelihood concerns. We employed three community diary keepers in each site in Uganda, and two in each site in Malawi. Due to logistical reasons, it was not feasible to undertake the longitudinal research in Ethiopia. Diary keepers were provided with initial training and instruction, a plastic folder with pens and blank exercise books, and a list of factors of interest to the study. At the same time, it was made clear that there is no right or wrong way of keeping a diary and diary keepers were encouraged to write freely, capturing whatever events and processes they wished to include. All diaries were written up in English on Microsoft word and stored on NVIVO.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-854316
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=2bdbbf97e6f83d7e515c6a18551f7a54007f061f64234c9d193a4b2fd32c68bc
Creator Cleaver, F, University of Sheffield; Whaley, L, University of Sheffield; Mwathunga, E, University of Malawi; Katusiime, F, Makerere University; Banda, S, University of Malawi
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2020
Funding Reference Natural Environment Research Council; Department for International Development; Economic and Social Research Council
Rights Frances Cleaver, University of Sheffield; The UK Data Archive has granted a dissemination embargo. The embargo will end in April 2021 and the data will then be available in accordance with the access level selected.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Text
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Malawi; Uganda