The Franček Portal Historical Module contains data on earliest usage of Slovenian words in literary language as attested in the texts of 16th-century Slovenian Protestant authors; it also combines linked entries from three Slovenian historical dictionaries describing lexis from the late 17th, early 18th, and late 19th centuries, respectively. The underlying data for the first part of the module stems from the Words of the 16th-Century Slovenian Literary Language [], while the second part consists of IDs linking each module entry and relevant entries in respective historical dictionaries as listed below.
The dataset is linked to:
* Franček Portal Headword List []
* Dictionary of Maks Pleteršnik (1894–1895) []
* Dictionary of the Slovenian Language in the Works of J. Svetokriški []
* Dictionary of Kastelec and Vorenc (1680–1710) (1997) [*]