Investigation of magnetic orderingin a 3D Diamond-network of interacting Co-cubanes with SMM behaviour


Two different anomalies have been observed the a.c. susceptibility-versus-temperature curves measured at several frequencies in the 3D Co-Cubane compound (K4{Co4(citr)4[μ-Co(H2O)4]2}·8H2O)n at low temperatures. The low temperature anomaly is not frequency dependent whereas the other is. This could be indicative of two different magnetic regimes; one due to the blocking of the Co-cubane SMM and the other due to the establishment of a long range magnetic order. In fact this has been corroborated by the measurement of the specific heat at low temperature where only a sharp peak is observed at 2.7 K. In this proposal we would like to investigate the long range magnetic order using the D20 neutron powder diffractometer.

Metadata Access
Creator Vazquez, Elena Forcen; Parada, Fernando Palacio; Ruiz, Javier Campo; Velamazan, Jose Alberto Rodriguez; Falvello, Lawrence Rocco; Tomas, Milagros
Publisher Institut Laue-Langevin
Publication Year 2013
Rights OpenAccess; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Size 70 MB
Version 1
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields