Supplement to: Rheological benchmark of silicone oils used for analog modeling of short- and long-term lithospheric deformation


The datasets that are presented here have been obtained to provide a rheological benchmark of silicones used in various analog modeling laboratories. The data contains rheological measurements of several polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS) and filled silicone oils. The samples of eight different silicone oils originate from seven laboratories. Each sample was analyzed using rotational controlled shear rate tests (CSR), temperature sweep test, and dynamical oscillation tests (amplitude and frequency sweeps). Detailed information on the analysis and interpretation of the data is found in Rudolf, et al. (2016).The data is provided as comma-separated files in *.csv format. Each file contains multiple measurements, each starting with own data series information that is followed by the actual measurement in the form of a table including the individual units of measure. Furthermore the results from ReSpect (Takeh & Shanbhag, 2013) for the discrete Maxwell relaxation spectra are provided. All files can be opened using a text-editor, MS Excel, or equivalent software.More information about the datasets is available in the file Explanations_Rudolf-et-al-2016.pdf, an overview on the available files in the List_of_Files_Rudolf-et-al-2016 (in .pdf and .xlsx format). All information and overview files are also included in

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Metadata Access
Creator Rudolf, Michael ORCID logo; Boutelier, David; Rosenau, Matthias; Schreurs, Guido; Oncken, Onno
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Contributor Rudolf, Michael; Boutelier, David; Rosenau, Matthias; Schreurs, Guido; Oncken, Onno; Ritter, Malte; Leever, Karen; Bedford, Jon; GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences; Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil; Royal Holloway, University of London, UK; University Bern, Switzerland; University Lille, France; University of Toronto, Canada; University Parma, Italy; HelTec - Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (GFZ Potsdam, Germany); Tectonic Modelling Laboratory at the Institute for Geological Sciences (TecLab Bern, Switzerland); SFB-1114, Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems
Publication Year 2016
Funding Reference Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Rights CC BY 4.0;
OpenAccess true
Contact Rudolf, Michael (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences); Rosenau, Matthias (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/x-zip-compressed; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; application/pdf
Size 582742 Bytes; 4 Files
Discipline Engineering Sciences; Materials Science; Materials Science and Engineering