Sarez Pamir aftershock seismic network


The Sarez Pamir aftershock seismic network was installed two months after the 7 December 2015, Mw7.2 Sarez Pamir earthquake in the eastern Pamir highland of Tajikistan. In the first recording period until September 2016, the stations were distributed along the Sarez-Karakul fault system. In September 2016 part of the stations were moved into the southern Pamir. In total the network consisted of eight stations on 13 sites, equipped with broad band, 3-component seismometers of type Trillium Compact. The data were recorded using Earth Data recorders (EDR), recording was continuous at a sample rate of 100Hz.The principal aim of the network was to record the aftershock sequence of the Sarez earthquake and to augment the coeval East Pamir China seismic network and the earlier TIPAGE and TIPTIMON seismic networks. Waveform data are available from the GEOFON data centre, under network code 9H.

Related Identifier HasMetadata
Metadata Access
Creator Schurr, B.; Yuan, X.; Kufner, S.; Bloch, W.
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Contributor Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ; GEOFON Data Centre; geofon(at); Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam (GIPP)
Publication Year 2017
Funding Reference Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ Crossref Funder ID GIPP201607
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Contact geofon(at)
Language English
Resource Type Seismic Network; Dataset
Format .mseed; XML
Size 88GB
Discipline Seismology
Spatial Coverage (36.500W, 71.700S, 39.300E, 74.200N); Tajikistan