To reveal how MoSrp1 affects mRNA splicing, we compared the transcriptomes between strains srp1-ko1 and P131, and analyzed defects in mRNA splicing resulted from the loss of MoSRP1. Two-day-old vegetative hyphae of wild-type strain P131 and the MoSRP1 mutant srp1-ko1 shaken in liquid CM were harvested and transcript abundance analysed using RNA-seq, two biological replicates per sample.</p><p>To determine the binding motif of MoSrp1, two strains, Srp1-flag-3 and Srp1-flag-7, expressing the MoSrp1-3Flag fusion were generated, two-day-old vegetative hyphae of strains shaken in liquid CM were harvested, and were used for the RNA immunoprecipitation and sequencing (RIP-seq).