

The data comprises bright-field time-lapse images of zebrafish embryos acquired in multiple batches within multi-well plates using an Acquifer Imaging Machine. Embryos from incrosses of Tg(sebox:EGFP) and incrosses of TE zebrafish strains were used for imaging. Small-molecule signaling pathway modulator LDN-193189 was added to well A2 with a final concentration of 3.5 µM and to well A3 with a final concentration of 4 µM. Small-molecule signaling pathway modulator SB-505124 was added to wells B1-B3 with final concentrations of 4 µM in well B1, 5 µM in well B2, and 6 µM in well B3. Well A1 did not receive small-molecule signaling pathway modulator treatment. Imaging started with embryos between 2-3 hpf and ended with embryos between 27-28 hpf. Images of embryos were acquired at 180 acquisition time points with a time interval of 501 s between each acquisition time point. Individual embryo segments were identified and extracted using a trained neural network for object detection. Within this experiment folder, data are organized by microscope position and embryo number.

Related Identifier IsPartOf
Metadata Access
Creator Toulany, Nikan ORCID logo
Publisher University of Konstanz
Contributor RADAR
Publication Year 2023
Rights Open Access; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset for Twin Network; Brightfield microscopy data of zebrafish embryos 2-28hpf; Dataset
Format application/x-tar
Discipline Basic Biological and Medical Research; Biology; Developmental Biology; Life Sciences
Temporal Coverage 2020-2023