Annual and winter glacier mass balance maps (fixed date system) for Hallstätter Glacier in the Dachstein Massif, Austria, is provided in shapefile format. The shapes contain contour lines delineating areas of equal mass balance as well as elevation zones. Spatially integrated mass balance is derived from point measurements at snow pits and ablation stakes by interpolating between measurement points and extrapolating to unmeasured regions of the glacier. Detailed Information is given in Helfricht (2009) and Bertolotti et al. (in prep.) and in the associated readme files. New data will be added each year. This is complementary information to the data provided by Fischer et al., 2016.
Untersuchung von Klima und Massenhaushalt am Hallstätter Gletscher 2006-2017 https://dachsteingletscher.infoUntersuchung von Klima und Massenhaushalt am Hallstätter Gletscher 2017-2022; https://www.apptauen.atKlima und Massenbilanz des Hallstätter Gletschers 2022-2027