Belgium General Election Study 2007


Similar to the previous General Election Studies, the 2007 General Election Study Belgium (fifth study) focuses on general political attitudes and behavior. Data has been collected on political information and knowledge, perceptions of political bodies such as parties, and perceptions of problems and important issues. Other questions deal with party identification, party preferences, feelings of political efficacy, and the nature and extent of political participation. Perceptions of social class and (economic) well-being, authoritarian attitudes, attitudes to immigrant workers, political corruption and the environment are some of the other areas investigated in this study. Extensive demographic data on respondents and their families have also been collected.The General Election Study Belgium has many objectives. First of all, it is intended to show a cross-section of political attitudes and behavior of Belgians after each General Election. Second, in order to study possible developments in political attitudes and behavior, Belgian General Election Study requires a longitudinal character, similar to some other European Election Studies. The third objective is to maximise the relationship with current theoretical research in different scientific disciplines such as political science, sociology, and social psychology. A final objective is to develop comparative research between the different regions and communities of Belgium, as well as with other countries.

Dutch version questionnaire and French version questionnaire in codebook. Questions were translated to English for the codebook.The depositor provided the .SAV format of the file 'BGES_2007_final_with_weights'. DANS added the .POR and .DTA format of this file.

The General Election Study Belgium focuses on general political attitudes and behavior. Data has been collected on political information and knowledge, perceptions of political bodies such as parties, and perceptions of problems and important issues. Other questions deal with party identification, party preferences, feelings of political efficacy, and the nature and extent of political participation. Perceptions of social class and (economic) well-being, authoritarian attitudes, attitudes to immigrant workers, political corruption and the environment are some of the other areas investigated in this study. Extensive demographic data on respondents and their families have also been collected.The General Election Study Belgium has many objectives. First of all, it is intended to show a cross-section of political attitudes and behavior of Belgians after each General Election. Second, in order to study possible developments in political attitudes and behavior, Belgian General Election Study requires a longitudinal character, similar to some other European Election Studies. The third objective is to maximise the relationship with current theoretical research in different scientific disciplines such as political science, sociology, and social psychology. A final objective is to develop comparative research between the different regions and communities of Belgium, as well as with other countries.

Metadata Access
Creator M.M.H. Swyngedouw; A.P. Frognier
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Marc Swyngedouw
Publication Year 2016
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Marc Swyngedouw (K.U.Leuven)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/x-stata-13; application/x-spss-por; application/x-spss-sav; application/pdf; application/zip
Size 1815852; 2768400; 1787667; 1346371; 27662
Version 2.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences