The Database of Lithuanian multiword expressions (MWEs) is freely accessible for online search at: from 2019. It contains two-word and three-word MWEs extracted from the corpus representing news texts on the various topics ( First, 12,000 MWEs (mostly collocations, a few idioms) were included in the database. In 2022, the database was updated adding new collocations from the same corpus and filtering arbitrary collocations: out of appr. 19,000 collocations appr. 9000 are marked as arbitrary collocations, i.e., having lexical collocability restrictions. The database provides rich information about the usage of collocations: lemma, word forms, frequencies (in the corpus), morphological information, syntactic relations, grammatical variants, text genres, and usage examples. Usage variation cases are also illustrated, for example, word order changes or insertions between collocation constituents.