The dataset contains source data for figures 2 and 3 contained in the article "Contamination of 8.2 ka cold climate records by the Storegga tsunami in the Nordic Seas".
In a simulation of the Storegga tsunami generated from the Storegga Landslide we calculated the maximum flow velocity to be 2–5 m/s on the shelf offshore western Norway and in the shallower parts of the North Sea, and up to about 1 m/s down to a water depth of 1000 m. Data from this simulation for three locations is presented in the files: "Figure_2a-MD95-2011.txt",
"Figure_2b-LINK14.txt" and "Figure_2c-Troll_28-03.txt" (see below).
We re-investigated sediment core MD95-2011, from which a large and abrupt 8.2 ka cooling had been inferred, and found the cold-water foraminifera to be re-deposited and 11,000 years of age. Oxygen isotopes of the recycled foraminifera and the content of sand grains, thought to be dropped from ice bergs, might have led to an interpretation of a too large and dramatic climate cooling. Data from sediment core MD95-2011 is found in the files: "Figure_3a-Sand.txt", "Figure_3b-Planktonic_forams.txt", "Figure_3c-Benthic_forams.txt" and "Figure_3d-Oxygen_isotopes.txt".
Calibration af radiocarbon ages of green moss dates from the Storegga tsunami deposits in file: "Figure_3e-Calibration_moss_ages.txt".