429 phytolith images of eight different morphotypes (bilobate, bulliform, cross, elongate, globular, rondel/trapeziform, saddle, trichome)


429 phytolith images of eight different morphotypes (bilobate, bulliform, cross, elongate, globular, rondel/trapeziform, saddle, trichome) from soil samples used in a comparative analysis of six classification methods to examine the efficacy of different quantitative approaches for characterising phytoliths and automatically identify them. These data are the supplementary materials of the paper: Díez-Pastor, J., Latorre-Carmona, P., Arnaiz-González, Á, Ruiz-Pérez, J., & Zurro, D. (2020). “You Are Not My Type”: An Evaluation of Classification Methods for Automatic Phytolith Identification. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26(6), 1158-1167. doi:10.1017/S1431927620024629

429 JPG files grouped into 8 folders corresponding to 8 different phytolith morphotypes. Created during 2019/2020.

DOI https://doi.org/10.34810/data252
Related Identifier IsCitedBy https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927620024629
Metadata Access https://dataverse.csuc.cat/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34810/data252
Creator Ruiz Pérez, Javier ORCID logo; Zurro, Debora ORCID logo; Díez Pastor, José Francisco; Latorre Carmona, Pedro ORCID logo; Arnaiz González, Alvar ORCID logo
Publisher CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Publication Year 2022
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Experimental data; Dataset
Format image/jpeg; image/tiff; text/plain
Size 1377493; 14779498; 2259812; 2228093; 2219148; 2263070; 2134464; 2005321; 2099975; 2317968; 2192725; 2284777; 3131792; 2811116; 2877344; 3095650; 2648229; 2800245; 2892384; 2889063; 2815326; 2719827; 2779532; 2656521; 2582836; 2597553; 2722121; 2612679; 2600047; 2791592; 2708659; 2639134; 2955250; 2594655; 2598090; 2897092; 2672223; 2589365; 2771320; 2581065; 2921531; 2857543; 2886077; 2713157; 3080130; 2709924; 2729873; 2854968; 2998230; 2749196; 2734432; 2753187; 2820014; 2674667; 3125434; 2842136; 2723599; 2958014; 2930695; 2697633; 2671860; 2626258; 2756165; 2636619; 2820987; 2720069; 2634814; 2773190; 2725976; 2647903; 2768316; 2640460; 2701101; 2872188; 2765256; 2895823; 2707753; 2895309; 2788464; 2865288; 2669817; 2737918; 2732218; 2681324; 2653008; 2713241; 2827210; 2731461; 3101325; 2620082; 2829937; 2754894; 2709734; 2592367; 2684424; 2768312; 3017882; 2968042; 2641096; 3128663; 2699045; 2691793; 2611083; 2642578; 2600412; 2957255; 2658169; 2623763; 2792377; 2638435; 3065514; 3157305; 2735352; 2674200; 2723085; 2657054; 2690062; 2900192; 2660808; 2691594; 3078207; 2638635; 2803246; 2880697; 2604117; 2719711; 2656999; 2662065; 2793367; 2656048; 2657537; 2655268; 2641205; 2665689; 2681619; 2652088; 2846734; 2744899; 2664567; 2711806; 2751650; 2776566; 2865922; 2857241; 2646084; 2672466; 2724464; 2635511; 2707111; 2735508; 2603921; 2686060; 2706091; 2712579; 2662199; 2722181; 2674563; 2698826; 2673430; 2707640; 2675063; 2675215; 2637902; 2647563; 2791264; 2647891; 2644480; 2732622; 2640444; 2638469; 2688776; 2646287; 2663540; 2646323; 2651482; 2660728; 2680112; 2614708; 2664164; 2648655; 2684547; 2639707; 2653355; 2672574; 2668490; 2645694; 2647229; 2642564; 2672238; 2673660; 2675592; 2690247; 2641450; 2673946; 2655231; 2640690; 2654586; 2715103; 2659599; 2680796; 2779104; 2710393; 2708063; 2728235; 2702652; 2744522; 2722103; 2706593; 2712403; 2710709; 2710114; 2742076; 2701331; 2668924; 2691023; 2682975; 2701470; 2667244; 2698571; 2695551; 2688924; 2684963; 2668024; 2674691; 2650333; 2689767; 2668000; 2719845; 2671662; 2694833; 2672846; 2679909; 2672292; 2697130; 2695822; 2696104; 2685282; 2703953; 2729246; 2703832; 2697129; 2635010; 2657758; 2633120; 2679463; 2693503; 2682569; 2596147; 2682270; 2612096; 2691790; 2692318; 2616688; 2650657; 2694065; 2663756; 2700289; 2592846; 2699972; 2705814; 2656982; 2663262; 2696004; 2710489; 2700526; 2696249; 2638954; 2661017; 2653139; 2616974; 2594715; 2697807; 2670190; 2668938; 2692467; 2678794; 2652212; 2677094; 2647724; 2679790; 2701978; 3352402; 3459579; 3229628; 2989818; 2701713; 2707570; 3045141; 3060609; 2700213; 2993727; 2700616; 3106761; 3178456; 3054907; 2720793; 3054979; 3110957; 2696977; 3084302; 2653629; 3073514; 2866191; 2697448; 2678918; 2744130; 3004664; 2800047; 2680910; 2694625; 2674456; 2726774; 2727093; 2801305; 2914196; 3109062; 2708120; 2684474; 2756327; 2704301; 2872874; 3055262; 3076667; 2701757; 2734757; 2927655; 2814626; 2661300; 3075769; 2705884; 2929700; 2937589; 3082039; 2796291; 2776909; 2837708; 2878578; 2867450; 2854032; 2869509; 3167758; 3160944; 3114698; 3196726; 3109784; 3145505; 3263819; 3240451; 3349977; 3221305; 3202845; 2742057; 3047412; 3203181; 3281389; 3113643; 3261421; 2781292; 2839835; 3195609; 2976711; 2957983; 3305771; 3041545; 3012596; 3294734; 3083284; 2921670; 3130494; 3274227; 3004228; 2877857; 3063241; 3206466; 3162136; 2859282; 3214822; 3097875; 2931422; 3158388; 2939757; 3013294; 3219988; 2947412; 3147251; 3080495; 2896050; 3003808; 3088562; 3132809; 3097739; 3005798; 3175735; 3019154; 3057288; 3166933; 2891188; 3055042; 3014884; 2912060; 3125110; 2908941; 3064012; 3046833; 3026279; 2906339; 3171559; 3243813; 2896790; 3194439; 3048052; 3020009; 3137876; 3217578; 2984932; 3148928; 3023928; 3227409; 3123010; 3264337; 3145855; 3012504; 3033055; 3124728; 32554
Version 1.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences