Physical oceanography during SONNE cruise SO254 (PoriBacNewZ)


Data presented here were collected during the cruise SO254 (Project PoriBacNewZ) with RV Sonne from Auckland, New Zealand to Auckland, New Zealand (January 26th, 2017 to February 27th, 2017). In total, 13 vertical deep CTD-hauls were conducted. The CTD system used was a Sea-Bird Electronics Inc. SBE 911plus probe (SN 09-1266: SN 5828 / SN 4529). The CTD was attached to a SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler (SN 32-1119) containing 24 20-liter Ocean Test Equipment Inc. bottles. The system was equipped with double temperature (SBE 3) and conductivity sensors (SBE 4), a pressure sensor (Digiquartz) an oxygen Optode (Aanderaa Optode 4831F), an altimeter (Benthos), and a chlorophyll fluorometer combined with a turbidity sensor (WET Labs ECO_AFL FL). The sensors were pre-calibrated by the manufacturers. Data were recorded with the Seasave V 7.5 software and processed using the SeaBird SBE Data Processing. Data were despiked, and also visually checked. The ship position was derived from the shipboard GPS-system linked to the CTD data. The time zone is given in UTC. Salinity was quality checked by reference samples [n=13], measured with an Optimare Precision Salinometer (OPS S/N 003) 4 month after the cruise (S1: R² 0.9997, S2: R² 0.9997).

Binned at 1 m vertical intervals. Version 2, 2018-05-28.

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Metadata Access
Creator Zielinski, Oliver ORCID logo; Henkel, Rohan; Meier, Daniela; Meyerjürgens, Jens ORCID logo; Simon, Meinhard; Voß, Daniela
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany
Publication Year 2018
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 647211 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-176.700W, -52.124S, 173.884E, -29.267N); South Pacific Ocean
Temporal Coverage Begin 2017-01-29T17:27:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2017-02-22T21:53:00Z