A Data set of voltage and current waveforms of electric arcs at low pressure conditions


Comprehensive experimental database to elucidate the effects of pressure, electrode spacing, and material composition on electric arc characteristics. The experimental setup included a wide range of conditions, including pressures from 0.1 bar to 1 bar, electrode spacings from 1 mm to 12 mm, and two different materials: PVC and PTFE.

DOI https://doi.org/10.34810/data1352
Metadata Access https://dataverse.csuc.cat/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34810/data1352
Creator Bogarra Rodriguez, Santiago ORCID logo; Ortega Redondo, Juan Antonio ORCID logo; Moreno Eguilaz, Juan Manuel ORCID logo; Riba Ruiz, Jordi Roger ORCID logo
Publisher CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Contributor Ortega Redondo, Juan Antonio; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya; 170(MP)
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España PID2020-114240RB-I00 ; Generalitat de Catalunya 2021 SGR 00392
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
OpenAccess true
Contact Ortega Redondo, Juan Antonio (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Resource Type Experimental data; Dataset
Format text/plain; text/tab-separated-values
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9843009; 10225717; 9788377; 9562069; 9931068; 9847497; 9195567; 9417845; 9110239; 9078777; 9912886; 9369077; 9881493; 9663926; 9158497; 9196598; 9247388; 9222620; 10353764; 10376537; 10144666; 10363625; 8898324; 9170167; 9130179; 9073868; 10021766; 10514728; 10449869; 10287575; 10061565; 9885963; 10028879; 10119047; 9887317; 10193431; 10271792; 10201661; 10016349; 10101588; 9998525; 10156047; 9366697; 9656356; 9899110; 10011368; 9878780; 10060238; 9921530; 10147042; 9249692; 9702879; 9716821; 9002090; 9345432; 9621956; 8886149; 8915959; 9104459; 8989818; 9160538; 9124459; 9130947; 9123267; 9071526; 9207718; 9200212; 9092934; 9075998; 8816763; 8938645; 8988457; 8902436; 9384340; 9076641; 9395402; 9141473; 10286444; 10312565; 10304318; 10104731; 10207563; 10193672; 10317057; 10180963; 10085213; 9726517; 10078899; 9777810; 9983727; 9717734; 10199579; 10172388; 9508962; 9721669; 9560310; 10058947; 8986327; 8917880; 9011200; 8962190; 9079121; 9297444; 9479188; 9088054; 8901036; 8847531; 9190826; 8981159; 8738210; 8885516; 8977266; 8950678; 9088131; 8836176; 8723569; 8877286; 9446241; 8582918; 8697938; 8902636; 9379217; 9461742; 9340901; 9357100; 9385116; 9987782; 9803202; 9802302; 9201589; 9549034; 9479386; 9636650; 9459021; 9440609; 9697855; 9784118; 9526530; 9681946; 9522758; 9637527; 9507619; 9417181; 9403632; 9705655; 8880443; 9052459; 9073865; 9201770; 9387368; 9523954; 9683577; 9499782; 9430687; 9377280; 9462631; 9219649; 9218196; 9418474; 9331834; 9249066; 9333951; 9431309; 9279845; 9461768; 9290686; 9211405; 9307876; 9093456; 9275246; 9220535; 9032935; 9176493; 9977237; 9650906; 9596060; 9853260; 9801711; 9971782; 9538465; 9747526; 9430108; 9608906; 9454961; 9522906; 9191061; 9207447; 9309486; 9515842; 9375476; 9249353; 9401128; 9360835; 8913384; 9105407; 9031111; 9150863; 8728954; 8761155; 8836702; 8843201; 8942178; 9046320; 9016469; 9187143; 8848483; 8662885; 9046125; 9026169; 8801120; 8698174; 8943132; 8848642; 8275813; 8712648; 8730458; 8906403; 9094772; 8707114; 8932648; 8831632; 9735228; 10047544; 9878965; 9751618; 9412754; 9945030; 9649133; 9659086; 9392350; 9358368; 9279762; 9371090; 10114999; 10186318; 9961494; 10002969; 9697097; 9487719; 9827181; 9739060; 9386092; 9247115; 9037122; 9282315; 8960186; 8966749; 9140348; 9052054; 9005646; 8972978; 8788776; 8991540; 9073567; 8751950; 9042638; 8914733; 8813406; 8827217; 8826351; 8926236; 8802474; 8856296; 8859817; 8916801; 8639051; 8670028; 8953808; 8738144; 9724997; 9238714; 9790038; 9763953; 9685837; 9494214; 9404958; 8940015; 9433240; 9534781; 9469266; 9385513; 9420135; 9396728; 9406079; 9430228; 8918630; 9261532; 8551056; 9653692; 8172769; 8466380; 8314138; 8504727; 8453608; 8629823; 8506153; 8496302; 8667168; 8459625; 8653012; 8680458; 8629336; 8435710; 8820608; 8984154; 8372666; 8445528; 8493136; 8389842; 8372889; 8104627; 8391170; 8631468; 8495910; 8508725; 8538870; 8583473; 142537; 217
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences