Simulation input scripts for "Electronic screening using a virtual Thomas-Fermi fluid for predicting wetting and phase transitions of ionic liquids at metal surfaces"


This dataset includes the basic simulation scripts needed in order to reproduce the data shown in "Electronic screening using a virtual Thomas-Fermi fluid for predicting wetting and phase transitions of ionic liquids at metal surfaces".

The folder structure corresponds to the individual parts of the paper, more detail is given in the individual files:

2dlayer: Simulation input for the 2D ionic crystal employed for the simulations of Figs. 2 and 3. Capacitance: Simulation input for capacitor setups (Fig. 4). DCM: Simulation input for the dual coexistence method (DCM) measurements for Fig. 5. surften: Basic simulation scripts for the surface tension measurements invoked in Figs. 5 & 6 and Supplementary Fig. 1.

All simulation scripts use the real units setting of LAMMPS, see for details.

Metadata Access
Creator Schlaich, Alexander (ORCID: 0000-0002-4250-363X)
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Schlaich, Alexander; Coasne, Benoit
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference ANR ANR-15CE08-0008-01 ; region Rhone-Alpes CPER07 13 CIRA ; ANR ANR10-EQPX-29-01 ; DFG EXC 2075 - 390740016 ; DFG 327154368
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Schlaich, Alexander (Cluster of Excellence SimTech, Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science, University of Stuttgart); Schlaich, Alexander (Institute for Computational Physics, University of Stuttgart); Coasne, Benoit (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, LIPhy)
Resource Type Simulation input scripts; Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; text/plain; text/markdown
Size 624642; 743; 539; 426; 1048; 1185; 805; 745; 1034; 2456; 2623; 1814; 3701; 2711; 3736; 3860; 2985; 5150; 3328; 4989; 9975; 4530
Version 1.0
Discipline Natural Sciences; Physics