Height of tropopause: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.771549, extinction to backscatter ratio to 353.07 nm: 30, extinction to backscatter ratio to 532.07 nm: 40Detection channels at 1064 nm, 607 nm, 532 nm (aligned- and cross-polarized), 385 nm, 353 nm using photon counting mode. A mechanical chopper prevents photodetector saturation at low altitudes.Each data set is based on a signal average of 10 minutes. The backscatter ratio is calculated using Klett's algorithm. Profiles of the molecular backscatter coefficient are calculated from a density profile obtained from daily meteorological soundings. Lidar data profiles are normalized to a backscatter ratio value of 1.0 between 25 and 30 km. Volume depolarisation is calculated as the ratio of the perpendicular and parallel lidar signals. Depolarization is normalized to the molecular value of 0.014 between 25 and 30 km.