The research focuses on the transformations of industry and the industrial labor movement of Patras during the 20th century. It focuses on the forms that these formations took in the wider environment of the Metapolitism from 1974 to the early 1990s. For this purpose, the synthesis of the economic, social and political determinants and how they were reflected in the Greek industry its labor movement. Secondly, how this environment affected the industry and the labor movement of post-government Patras, as well as what similarities and differences are found between these two levels. However, in order to answer the above research questions, the focus on the Metapolitism is not enough. On the contrary, the Patras industry and its labor movement were formed during the interwar period and acquired more compact characteristics during the post-war period. These formations were bequeathed to the Metapolitism. Therefore, the third key question concerns the continuities and discontinuities that assemble these three periods of the years examined by the study, in combination with the corresponding changes that took place at the level of Greek social formation.
Non-probability: Availability
Face-to-face interview