The (Re)Imagining Youth study explored socio-cultural meanings and changing experiences of youth leisure in two case-study locations: one in Glasgow and one in Hong Kong. This dataset is drawn from the Glasgow field site and includes transcripts of: semi-structured interviews conducted with stakeholders (n=8), focus groups with young people (n=9), and semi-structured interviews with young people (n=22). Topics covered include: leisure activities, leisure spaces, meanings of leisure, youth transitions, education, employment, digital technology. (Re)Imagining Youth analysed young people’s leisure in Glasgow and Hong Kong in historical and cross-cultural perspective, drawing on a qualitative, comparative case-study design. Building on landmark sociological research from the 1960s (Pearl Jephcott’s A Time of One’s Own, published in Scotland in 1967, and her subsequent study, The Situation of Children and Youth in Hong Kong, 1971), the research explored socio-cultural meanings and changing experiences of youth leisure in two case-study locations, with a particular focus on themes of youth transition, leisure space and 'risky' behaviours. Over 250 young people aged 16-24 years participated in the project and methods used included ethnographic observations, stakeholder interviews, focus group discussions and interviews with young people, visual methods (drawing and photography) and an on-line survey.
Semi-structured interviews Focus groups