Altogether 290 vertical profiles of temperature and salinity were taken, employing a ME-Multisonde CTD supplemented by a 6 bottle rosette sampler. The CTD provided data with a resolution of 1.5 m deg, 0.2 dbar and 0.002 mS/cm at a rate of 0.5 Hz which were recorded on a Kontron Psi 80 computer and stored on digital floppy disks. Only data from the lowering profiles, run at a speed of 0.7 m/s, were processed. On recovery the instrument was stopped at several depth levels to operate the rosette sampler, thereby providing calibration data for salinity. Due to electronical and mechanical problems with the sampler only about 40 water samples were taken. In addition surface data of temperature and salinity were obtained from bucket samples. Salinities of the samples were analysed on board by use of a Beckmann salinometer.The few in-situ calibration data confirmed the calibration of the CTD carried out before the cruise in the laboratory. The data can therefore be regarded as being accurate to within dT = ±0.02°C for temperature, dS = ±0.01 per mil for salinity and dP = 3 dbar for pressure.After editing obviously erroneous data through linear interpolation between neighbouring values the vertical profiles were averaged within intervals of 5 dbar, centered at 0, 5, 10, 15 dbar etc.